Sunday, February 10, 2008

Homemade Gnocchi with Sage-Brown Butter Sauce

I always thought the store-bought gnocchi have this weird sour taste to it. That's why it's worth putting in some elbow grease to make your own. The texture and flavor belong to a whole different league. Toss them in with a sage-brown butter sauce--it's to-die-for!


Homemade gnocchi
3 large russet potatoes
2 ounces butter
3 ounces milk
Salt & pepper
1 egg
2 1/2 cups flour

Peel, cut, boil the potatoes until very soft. Drain and allow to dry, about 5 minutes. Pass through a ricer or food mill. Heat the 2 ounces butter and milk. Add to the potatoes. Season with salt and pepper. Add the egg. Incorporate thoroughly.

Stir in half the flour and turn out onto a board. Work in the remaining flour, adding more if necessary to achieve a soft but not sticky dough.

Divide into 4 parts, shape into cylinders and place on a floured sheet pan. Refrigerate for a half hour. Cut the cylinders ainto 3/4 inch thick slices and shape into an oval ball. Press fork against the side.

Place gnocchi in boiling salted water. Reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes. Drain.


Sage-Brown Butter Sauce
Fresh sage

1/4 cup (1/2 stick) unsalted butter
8 fresh sage leaves, torn in half
Finely ground sea salt, preferably gray salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Chopped garlic (optional)
Chopped bacon (optional)

Put the butter in a cold skillet and place it over medium heat. Cook, stirring occasionally to prevent it from burning in spots but without moving the pan, until it stops foaming and browns evenly, 3 to 4 minutes. Add the sage leaves and cook briefly until they crisp in the hot butter. Season with salt and pepper. Add garlic and bacon. Remove from the heat and keep warm.

Toss gnocchi in the sauce. Grate some fresh parmesan over ! Bon appetit!


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